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Psychometrics - Online Course

A 4-Day Livestream Seminar Taught by

Matthew Diemer
Course Dates: Ask about upcoming dates
Schedule: All sessions are held live via Zoom. All times are ET (New York time).

10:30am-12:30pm (convert to your local time)

Watch Sample Video

Psychometrics is the science of how we measure the psychological attributes of people. These attributes include abilities, aptitudes, achievement, attitudes, interests, personality traits, cognitive functioning, and mental health.

The theoretically-informed and precise measurement of such latent phenomena is an essential component of many of the things we hold dear. These include scientific advances (e.g., can I make a claim that I am measuring what I purport to measure?), educational placement decisions (e.g., should a child be placed into special education?), statistical power (e.g., is my measure precise enough to suggest that X predicts Y?), and other key considerations.

This seminar emphasizes the conceptual understanding and application of psychometric principles. These techniques provide a powerful way to identify and remediate bias in measurement, as well as to make equity-informed claims in the language of psychometrics.

Starting August 13, we are offering this seminar as a 4-day synchronous*, livestream workshop held via the free video-conferencing software Zoom. Each day will consist of two lecture sessions which include hands-on exercises, separated by a 1-hour break. You are encouraged to join the lecture live, but will have the opportunity to view the recorded session later in the day if you are unable to attend at the scheduled time.

This seminar is thoroughly hands-on; approximately 60% of the seminar will be spent in lecture and small group discussion, with the remaining 40% in instructor-led hands-on learning of psychometric techniques.

*We understand that finding time to participate in livestream courses can be difficult. If you prefer, you may take all or part of the course asynchronously. The video recordings will be made available within 24 hours of each session and will be accessible for four weeks after the seminar, meaning that you will get all of the class content and discussions even if you cannot participate synchronously. 

Closed captioning is available for all live and recorded sessions. Captions can be translated to a variety of languages including Spanish, Korean, and Italian. For more information, click here.

More details about the course content


Who should register?

Seminar outline

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“Matt Diemer is a very experienced and knowledgeable teacher."

“Matt Diemer is a very experienced and knowledgeable teacher. He explained everything well and gave enough opportunities to ask questions. I also enjoyed that we practiced with MPlus and also learned a lot from the other participants (screen sharing). I think it’s a plus that the sessions were recorded and can be watched afterward. Thank you very much for this interesting course.”


Anna van 't Noordende


"Matt was a welcoming and kind instructor who did all he could to encourage questions and (learning from) mistakes."

“Matt was a welcoming and kind instructor who did all he could to encourage questions and (learning from) mistakes. His instruction was generally clear. He gave appropriate space for Andy to take the lead. Both did a good job being transparent (or perhaps vulnerable) about making mistakes or encountering challenges. Matt did a great job talking us through what he was doing and why he was doing it throughout the course. I learned a lot.”

Lara Gerassi

Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work

"...I could easily see how these methods could be used to answer questions in my own area of interest."

“Dr. Diemer was able to convey the subject matter in a way that made it easy to understand. His use of examples highlighted the practical application of these methods. Upon completion of the course, I could easily see how these methods could be used to answer questions in my own area of interest.” 

Kenneth Faulkner

Stony Brook University

“I liked the format..."

“I liked the format of both the lecture and then having time to work on coding with help from the instructors and other people taking the course.”

Julie Flahive

UMass Chan Medical School

“I really enjoyed the presentation and hands-on exercises.”

“I really enjoyed the presentation and hands-on exercises.”

Phu Duy Pham

German Cancer Research Center