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Structural Equation Modeling Done Right - Online Course

A 3-Day Livestream Seminar Taught by

Rex B. Kline
Course Dates: Ask about upcoming dates
Schedule: All sessions are held live via Zoom. All times are ET (New York time).

10:00am-12:30pm (convert to your local time)

Watch Sample Video

Techniques of structural equation modeling (SEM) have become widely used in many disciplines, including psychology, education, medicine, management, epidemiology, and sociology. According to Google Scholar, there were more than 28,000 articles published in 2022 that included the phrase “structural equation model.”

Unfortunately, there are problems in many, if not most, published SEM studies. One common shortcoming is incomplete reporting about the results, especially about model fit – that is, whether the implications of the researcher’s model are consistent with the data. Incomplete reporting means that readers may be unable to adequately judge the trustworthiness or scientific merit of the results.

This introductory-level 3-day seminar (1) introduces basic concepts and techniques in SEM while (2) emphasizing best practices – that is, SEM done right. The main goal is to help you distinguish your own work in SEM by following best practices and avoiding common mistakes.

Starting October 17, we are offering this seminar as a 3-day synchronous*, livestream workshop held via the free video-conferencing software Zoom. Each day will consist of two lecture sessions which include hands-on exercises, separated by a 1-hour break. You are encouraged to join the lecture live, but will have the opportunity to view the recorded session later in the day if you are unable to attend at the scheduled time.

*We understand that finding time to participate in livestream courses can be difficult. If you prefer, you may take all or part of the course asynchronously. The video recordings will be made available within 24 hours of each session and will be accessible for four weeks after the seminar, meaning that you will get all of the class content and discussions even if you cannot participate synchronously.

Closed captioning is available for all live and recorded sessions. Captions can be translated to a variety of languages including Spanish, Korean, and Italian. For more information, click here.

More details about the course content


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Seminar outline

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"The course had a good pace and key points were covered with explanations and opportunity for questions."

“For good reason, people across disciplines, and even countries, know that Statistical Horizons is the place to go to get the best instructional information on statistics. The instructor was clearly knowledgeable. The course had a good pace and key points were covered with explanations and opportunity for questions. This seminar offered an understanding of why persons in different fields give contrary advice on how SEM should work. I highly recommend this course.”

Camille Gibson

Prairie View A&M University

“I appreciated the clear presentation of the best practices for SEM.”

“I appreciated the clear presentation of the best practices for SEM.”

G. Leonard Burns

Washington State University

“I liked that the course had a clear structure, and appreciated the knowledge of the teacher.”

“I liked that the course had a clear structure, and appreciated the knowledge of the teacher.”

Aureliano Crameri

ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences