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Tyler VanderWeele

Tyler J. VanderWeele, Ph.D., is the John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, faculty affiliate of the Harvard Institute for Quantitative Social Science, and the Director of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University.

VanderWeele holds degrees from the University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard University in mathematics, philosophy, theology, finance and applied economics, and biostatistics. His research concerns methodology for distinguishing between association and causation in observational research including mediation, interaction and spillover effects.

VanderWeele’s empirical research spans psychiatric, perinatal, and social epidemiology; various fields within the social sciences; and the study of religion and health including both religion and population health and the role of religion and spirituality in end-of-life care. He has published over three hundred papers in peer-reviewed journals, is founder of the journal Epidemiologic Methods, and is author of the book Explanation in Causal Inference: Methods for Mediation and Interaction, published by Oxford University Press.

You can visit his university webpage here.

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Tyler's Seminars

Causal Mediation Analysis

This seminar will focus on some of the recent developments in causal mediation analysis and will provide practical tools to implement those techniques. Mediation analysis deals with the mechanisms and pathways by which causal effects operate. The course will discuss...

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