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Christopher L. Aberson

Christopher L. Aberson, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology at Humboldt State University. His research focuses on statistical power, the teaching of statistics, and social psychology.

Aberson’s work has been published in numerous major psychology journals. He is the author of Applied Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed., 2019, Routledge).

He serves as Editor-in-Chief of Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy and has formerly served as Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Social Psychology and Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. At Humboldt, he teaches statistics courses that include Introductory Statistics, Analysis of Variance (graduate), and Regression/Multivariate Topics (graduate).

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Christopher's Seminars

Power Analysis and Sample Size Planning

This seminar focuses on power for detecting effects across a wide range of research designs. It begins with a discussion of basic theoretical issues, such as why power is important and factors affecting power. The course then moves on to...

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Power Analysis and Sample Size Planning

Statistical power analysis addresses the question “How large a sample do I need?” Alternatively, sample size may be determined by other factors (e.g., cost), and researchers then need to determine how much power the design affords for detecting effects of...

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