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Henry May

Henry May, Ph.D., is the Director of the Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) and Associate Professor specializing in Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics in the School of Education at the University of Delaware.

Dr. May has served as the principal investigator and lead methodologist on several large-scale randomized field trials in education, health, and nutrition. These include:

  • The 2011-2015 randomized field trial of the $55M i3 Scale-Up of Reading Recovery.
  • A USDA-funded multi-site field experiment testing the impacts of monetary incentives for purchasing fruits and vegetables.
  • A statewide randomized evaluation of Ohio’s Personalized Assessment Reporting System.
  • A randomized trial of a modified TeamSTEPPS training for central venous catheter placement (with James Orlando).
  • Four IES-funded randomized efficacy trials: the National Institute for School Leadership (with Jon Supovitz), the Strategic Writers curriculum (with Skip MacArthur), the Targeted Reading Intervention (with Steve Amendum), and a Fractions intervention (with Nancy Jordan).

Since 2003, Dr. May has taught advanced statistics and research methods courses to graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Delaware.

You can visit his university webpage here.

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Henry's Seminars

Experimental Methods

This intermediate course on experimental design and analysis will focus on causal inference in randomized field trials. Topics include randomization-based causal inference, design of multilevel experiments (including cluster and multisite designs), statistical power, multiple comparisons, implementation fidelity, and techniques for...

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